These help buttons are spread throughout the application, click on them to learn how to use specific aspects of the simulation.
Basically, creatures are trying to eat to survive and reproduce, passing their traits on to their offspring, these traits will mutate over generations. Over time, traits favourable in the environment will become more common, you can visualise this in the above display, by selecting individual creatures, or by using the graph!
Have fun!
This graph displays data over time, the value at the top left is tha maximum of the data set, the value at the bottom left is the minimum, and the one on the right side is the latest value. You can change the data set with the dropdown menu below the graph.
The data update time slider changes the rate at which data is collected. The data limit slider stes the maximum length of data arrays. And the graph max range slider sets the maximum number of points displayed on the graph. The fill graph button will fill the lower area of the graph.
Please note increasing the last two sliders may decrease performance on slower devices.
Toggles what things are displayed on the canvas, turning these should increase performance, especially with high creature populations.
Simulation Developed by Bashir Flores Abusada for a Software Design & Development Project (2021).
This simulation is best viewed on a 16:9 monitor in fullscreen (press "f11" to enter fullscreen).